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493 results found

  1. you had currency options within the Ready Set Auction set-up

    We weren't able to process the payments through the PayPal portal we'd set up because the information it was receiving from RSA was defaulted to USD, though we are in Canada. I've reached out to RSA staff about this, but have yet to hear a response as to whether or not you have the currency capabilities. We won't use the platform again without that currency option - we've used other platforms that allow choices and have had no issues. This is the first time we've encountered problems.

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  2. At the end have the ability to move all Patrons into Donor Perfect now just Bidders and Donors

    At the end have the ability to move all Patrons into Donor Perfect now just Bidders and Donors. Currently anyone who registered but did not bid or donate who might be a new constituent. The ability to move them either into DP or ConstantContact.

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  3. multiple events could be open at the same time

    In this virtual world, with many organizations doing multiple online events, it would be great if we could have more than one auction open at the same time so that we could accept donations for one future event while the current event was still happening. It would also be useful if we had extra items that had not been packaged, if we could carry those over into the next upcoming event.

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  4. We could edit items that had no bid yet. We often get last minute additions to our auction!

    We could edit items that had no bids yet. We often get last minute additions to our auction, and can create more attractive packages by adding the new items to an existing one instead of making a stand-alone package.

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  5. Online Bidding - See "all" bidders

    It would be nice to be able to see "all" the bidders on an item so you can know who you are bidding makes it more competitive...similar to "working" the room in a live event.

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  6. Image Zoom In

    We would like the images in the E-catalog to be able to be clicked on to be enlarged so our bidders can see them in a more detailed view.

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  7. Ticket descriptions should be more visible than just in the information bubble.

    Ticket descriptions should be more visible than just in the information bubble. They are hard to notice.

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  8. Ticket and Sponsorship Description should be more visible

    Please make an option for Admission Ticket Category description and Sponsorship Level Information description to be visible on the actual website page under each sponsorship level or ticket category instead of clicking on the info image to see the description.
    I would like the purchaser to see important info about what they are choosing. Most users will not know to click on the info image to obtain this information.

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  9. Data could be transferred more than once prior to event.

    Because we have to true up our books monthly, it would be helpful if multiple dumps of new event data into donor perfect could occur prior to the event being locked.

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  10. I would like to have an additional category in our catalog for items that have not been bid on.

    I would like to have an additional category in our catalog for items that have not been bid on. I find that people will go straight to that section to see how they can help. In addition, it will ensure that we don't have to have a lot of items left over that we have to store for next year or return to our donors. We want them to feel like they are making a difference.

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  11. I would like to see the amount of the bid raise in the item information. It would help when using Otto to know what would be an appropriate

    When bidding, I would like to see the amount of the bid raise amount in the item information. It would help when using Otto to know what would be an appropriate additional amount to put on bids. I have frequently not put enough on my bid, except for the initial bid.

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  12. E-catalog had a chat feature

    Now that many events are going online, we would like to suggest having a chat feature for our bidders to speak to one another or to us. Or have a forum where they could go to speak to one another. This would help us engage them in our auction as well as make it more lively.
    Thank you!

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  13. Invoices for Donations

    In the same way that it would be helpful to be able to invoice for sponsorships, it would be helpful to be able to invoice for monetary donations that come in before the event. We have several donors who request for invoices and it can get confusing to have so many items that we have to manage outside of RSA.

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  14. Payment Method Field

    The "add new card" doesn't allow the entire name of our name or address to be entered since the field doesn't allow enough characters. Please expand this field to allow more characters.

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  15. Provide an PDF Version of the eBidder Tip Sheet for Digital Distribution

    The eBidder Tip Sheet only allows you to print a copy of it. There is no option for a version that can be electronically distributed to Bidders. It would be useful to have a version, PDF or other format, that can be digitally distributed to Bidders for virtual and online only events

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  16. edit patrons in table mode

    be able to edit a series of patrons by either scrolling through them (vs. returning to patron list) OR allow an editable table view of the patron list so that each record doesn't need to be opened in order to edit it

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  17. Have option to require mobile phone

    Have the option to require mobile phone

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  18. Make the Link Under “Total Invoice” More Obvious

    To click into an invoice, you must select the number under “Total Invoice,” but it’s not obvious that the number is a link. It would be helpful if it appeared as typical links do elsewhere: in blue and underlined.

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  19. Make Deleting or Partial Deleting of an Invoice Simpler

    If you want to delete something from an invoice or delete an invoice altogether, it takes many steps. It should be accessible from their bidder information, where currently you can only view the invoice. To actually delete something from the invoice, you have to go to Check Out Guests > Find the bidder > Look at their invoice and delete something from it. Instead, it would be helpful if everything related to the bidder could be managed on the same page.

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  20. Customizable reports

    We should be able to customize reports and then be able to email them. The report should be able to pull up a company that donated items (single or multiple items, or everything they donated) and then pull all the bidders information. I would like to garner more information from bidders: name, COMPANY NAME, address, phone, email. We should be able to produce this report to each supplier. Our people want to contact all the people that bid on their items and they want to see what our bidding is. All of this information is in the system we just…

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