General Feedback
Help us to make ReadySetAuction even better! Please share your ideas and vote on others you like.
29 results found
Add "reminder to bid" email template for bidders under Communications
Currently there is no option to send mass "reminder" emails to bidders. If you are holding a silent auction and would like to remind everyone who created an account that the auction closes in xx amount of hours as a "last chance to bid!" type of communication, you would have to do so outside of RSA
6 votes -
Ability to Integrate Logos and Amend Signatures in Communications
Allow system administrators to add logos to and tailor the closing signatures (i.e. Best wishes, Warmest regards, etc instead of Sincerely) in all patron communications.
3 votes -
Consideration Received Customizable
I would like to be able to modify consideration received on donor thank you letters.
1 vote -
I would like to add solicitor name to solicitation letter. Please advise on how to do so - what tag to use.
I would like to add solicitor name to solicitation letter. Please advise on how to do so - what tag to use to get that data merged.
3 votes -
Make email subjects customizable
It would be helpful to have more email templates available - including one that is completely blank with no subject. In the absence of that option, it would at least be helpful to allow us to customize the subject line of emails sent through the templates available. This would help us draw attention to different focus areas of our event.
26 votes -
Push Notifications needed!
- when donations are submitted and then approved or rejected
- when a sponsorship or ticket is boughtThese are nice so we don't have to login multiple times a day to see what's going on.
17 votes -
Bounce Back Emails Could Be Customized
It would be great if we could customize the subject and body of the bounce-back emails for patrons to better communicate what the issue is and what they need to do to fix it.
3 votes -
Customizable texts and emails
It would be great to be able to send custom texts and emails - like "two days left to bid". Current communication platform lacks any customization. Other auction sites have that capability.
31 votes -
1 vote
Last minute "no bid" notification
It would be nice to have the option to quickly notify our guests of items that have not been bid on yet, or notify them that the auction will be closing soon with a quick text. More people check text messages much quicker than email.
7 votes -
Choose different From addresses within the Donor thanks email and the bidder thanks email
In communications, you can choose differentiating From addresses in all tab except the Donor thanks tab and the bidder tab. If you update the from address in the donor thanks, it update the from address in the bidder thanks. It would be beneficial to allow the users to choose different from addresses in those tabs as you can with the other.
3 votes -
Allow manual text messages to be sent out. This way we can communicate more than just auction notifications
We have used other platforms that allow text messages as well as email communications to be sent from the platform. We can set up manual communication texts (Don't miss out, invites, and other communications) as well as automatic (outbid, bidding closed, etc).
96 votes -
Generate electronic tickets with the purchase email
Clients should be able to include e-tickets with a ticket purchase.
3 votes -
Email Customization
It would be great if we could allow customers to edit the subject lines of their emails. This is a marketing tool, users may want to customize the messages being sent to patrons.
61 votes -
RSA Integration with Constant Contact for Donor/Bidder Communications
As a Donor Perfect, RSA and Constant Contact client, I would like to suggest that RSA utilize the email functionality of its partner company, which would then provide the link back to Donor Perfect - and have all of the tracking features and the customization needed for professional management of client communications. Currently, we are using Constant Contact, exporting reports from RSA, formatting for import into DP, and using a separate offline spreadsheet to track communications (eg: click through rates, bounces, etc).
41 votes -
Automatically Generated Emails after Purchase
It would be great for Ready Set Auction to send an automatic email when someone buys a ticket or a sponsorship so we are notified. I know we get an email when someone request to create an account, but it would be great to get a similar email to show when someone actually registered.
55 votes -
Donor Thanks
We want to be able to insert custom merge fields, not always use the donor receipt block but customize it to just have amount.
4 votes -
Add ability to turn off automatic emails to bidders & donors
Donors & Bidders may be receiving a lot of emails regarding the auction and we don't want to burden them. It would be great to have an option to choose which communications get sent out automatically (while still having the option to send them manually under the Actions on Bidders/Donors menus). Having the option to disable the automatic emails would give organizations more control over how they communicate with their donors.
14 votes -
Mass Thank You for Both Donors and Bidders at once
We would like a way to email both donors and bidders at once, so in case they are both, they don't get 2 communications.
6 votes -
Have a reminder communication template
Have a reminder communication template to be able to remind bidders to complete registration
6 votes
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