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  2. Use 2 letter code for states instead of the whole name

    Entering a state is clunky - consider switching to the 2 letter abbreviation. Using the example of KANSAS - if you type in the name it consistently brings up ARKANSAS - everything uses the 2 letter abbreviation which is a LOT faster.

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  3. Customizable texts and emails

    It would be great to be able to send custom texts and emails - like "two days left to bid". Current communication platform lacks any customization. Other auction sites have that capability.

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  4. Report of All Who Placed Bids with Contact Info

    We had an event that included onsite and offsite bidders. In order to thank everyone who PARTICIPATED we were going to use everyone who checked-in (attended) as well as anyone who placed bids while offsite, but we don't have that information.

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  5. change bidder/donor status from an on/off checkbox to a fillable field

    Bidder/donor status should not automatically carry over from event to event. We should have the ability to globally &/or individually change that status. Or change the status to a fillable field so we can track which events patrons donate to or bid in from event to event

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  6. Multiple Buyers & Multiple Payment forms

    We often have a group of buyers who purchase high-dollar items and need a way to include multiple buyer numbers and amounts.
    Similarly, an organization may purchase an item from a combination of cash and checks. It would be helpful to break down a payment using multiple payment forms.

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  7. RSA Subscriber via Donor Perfect - no option to launch a new auction without "purchase"

    Our previous auction is locked out as view only. There is no option to start a new auction under our subscription. I had to contact Tech support for which I received a coupon code to "purchase" a new complete subscription for $0. The coupon code does not work. It is taking days to set up a new auction. Why is there no ongoing subscriber benefit such as easy access to a new auction?

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  8. Images Upload JPEG

    Some areas of RSA require a hosted image. We would like to be able to upload JPEGs in all areas, including the event website.

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  9. catalog

    The navigation of the online eCatalog is very clunky. A modernized look-and-feel would be nice. It would be great if you could see more than 10 items at a time. It would also be great to click "Next" and be able to click through individual items one by one rather than having to click "Back" and find the next item on the list to open it.

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  10. Allow bidders to view next package online

    I would love for bidders to be able to click next or click previous packages when looking through the auction items, rather than having to go back to the main screen and then scrolling down to where they were.

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  11. Offer Free Tickets (RSVPs) Online

    We would like to allow people to RSVP online. Some guests might not receive an invite to a corporate table or (personally sponsored) hosted table. We want those who see our website to make 1 of 3 decisions: 1) sponsor a table, 2) host a table, and/or 3) RSVP to the event for FREE.

    As Admin, I can then add the person/RSVP to a table and/or 'party'.

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  12. Response email was customizable

    It would be great if RSA could make the response email that our guests receive upon sign up customizable or even make it optional. Right now it is somewhat confusing for our event and the subject line is not accurate nor is the fact that it is coming from a person instead of the organization as it should be.

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  13. Email notifications sent to staff when when ebidding closes with highest bidder & when bidder pays

    Receive e-mail notifications for bidding, bidding closing, payments received, etc.
    The current functionality requires going to website and checking to see the status.

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  14. Increase the number of tickets a person can purchase. Right now the limit is 25.

    RSA has a default of allowing only 25 admission tickets to be purchase at one time. Increase the number.

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  15. Send invoices to defined sponsors

    Would be very helpful if we could invoice our defined sponsorships directly from RSA.

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  16. We could order items on our online catalog for virtual auctions. Also didn't like how "Request an Account" implied approval process.

    We would have liked the ability to organize our virtual auction items, instead of the default ABC order.

    Also, when our interested bidders clicked to create an account the webpage said "Request an Account." We saw many people click on our link to create an account, but only so many people actually created one. We worry that the "Request" language deterred people thinking it involved more than what it was, which was an automatic approval that we set up in our settings.

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  17. Hybrid Event Registration- offer BOTH Paid and Free Options on same site

    RSA needs to offer a solution for their clients hosting hybrid events. For ease of guest experience and clarity of marketing a hybrid event, one should be able to send all traffic to one event site. However, if RSA does not offer one person to register for free for the virtual part and another person to register for in person, then two different sets of instructions need to be provided, which is confusing at best, and turns people away because it's "too much" to remember/do, at worst.

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  18. it allowed for sponsorships of physical items

    In the world of virtual events, I want to offer sponsorships of programs and physical items that our ministry needs. People could sponsor all or part of an item.

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  19. RSA Generated Gift Certificates could be sent directly to winner

    Especially now that many are doing online events, it would be nice to have more editing options for gift certificates and the ability to email them directly to the high bidder (copied to donor) with their receipt.

    Another acceptable option would be to search for selected gift certificates and print/pdf them one at a time.

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  20. auction consignments had the option of receiving a percentage of sale price

    Donors who donate an auction item for consignment usually ask for a percentage of the final auction price rather than a specific amount. The donation page only allows for a set price. Please enable the option to have a percentage of the sale for consignment donations in addition to a consignment price!

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