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  1. Mark Delivery Status as "Received" when a Payment Method is entered for a Sponsorship/Donation

    When adding a cash donation or sponsorship under Items > Donations, the Delivery Status should automatically update to "Received" when a Payment Method is applied.

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  2. Give users ability to customize name of Additional Donation

    Currently, if a Bidder opts to give an additional donation during check-out, this appears on their invoice as a Monetary Pledge. It would be great if the verbiage of this donation could be customized.

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  3. Allow for a Fair Market Value of $0.00 on a donation item

    There are certain circumstances where a donation item should have a $0.00 value. Therefore, we should have the ability to enter this value in instead of settling for $0.01.
    Likewise, we should be able to define the FMV which appears in the purchasing bidder's receipt.

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  4. Credit card integration should apply to all areas of the Control Center

    Currently, credit card integration is not offered in all areas of the ReadySetAuction Control Center. For instance, a sponsorship purchased via credit card needs to be processed directly within the processing gateway, and then the last 4 digits of the card can be recorded manually via Items > Donations > Add Donation.

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  5. Show more information on online procurement donations in the Inbox

    Currently, the only information available in the preview is the donation/description, donor/e-mail (and in some cases, only a portion of the e-mail), value and quantity. At the very least, the entire e-mail as well as the donor's mobile phone number should be visible, and perhaps also a notification as to whether it is a business donor or individual donor.

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  6. Separate sponsorships from donations.

    Separate sponsorships (i.e. table sponsorships) out from the other donations, since they have different functions - for our event, our table sponsors are dealt with much differently than our auction donors. This would be helpful when sending thank you letters and when pulling reports at the end... Also, create a separate Sponsors area under the patrons tab, instead of lumping the sponsors in with the donors.

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  7. Make it easier to navigate in Manage Donors or Manage Patrons

    When in Manage Donations or Manage Bidders, when there are multiple pages, it is frustrating to be working on a donation on page 3, for example, then when I click on return to manage donations, I am returned all the way back to page 1, rather than the page I was working on. Also, when there are multiple pages, not all the page numbers are displayed in the selection section at the top. The display may show pages 1,2,3,4,5..........10,11,12. So if I want to go to page 6, I first have to go to page 5, then click forward to…

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  8. Customize online donation form

    I would like to have more control over what the online donation form includes and the instructions given to donors. Currently it seems easier for me to create a google form to collect the information I need and import the information later. However, since it is something I'm paying for I would like to use what's offered. But because I can't seem to get the information I want, it is requiring me to contact donors individually to ask more specific questions.

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  9. Show associated package(s) on the Donation Page - Better yet, include links to the package(s)

    When viewing a donation record, it would be nice to be able to easily tell what package or packages a donation has been assigned to. Currently, if a donation has been mistakenly assigned to a package and there is no reference to it in the package name or description, there is no way to find what package the donation is assigned to without exporting the Package Status report to Excel and doing a "Find" from within the spreadsheet. You should be able to see what Package the Donation is assigned to from within the Donation Record.

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  10. Link to the individual donor detail pages from the Donors column on Manage Donations page

    Under Items>Manage Donations please make the Donation Name column link to the editable details of the donation, it would be great if you would also link to the individual donor detail pages from the Donors column.

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  11. Increase Dollar Amount Limit

    The current dollar amount limit is $99,999.99. In order to add $100,000+ sponsors I have to sell them multiple sponsorships, which can get confusing and make accounting for cash and sponsorships harder than needed.

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  12. Allow the option to mark all donations as "received" in one bulk action

    It would be nice if we could mark all donations as received all at the same time. Currently, you must go into each donation, one at a time and mark that it was received and enter the date it was received.

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  13. Put clearer wording in the sponsorship entry screen

    Per this article ( defined sponsorships must be paid for directly in the processing gateway (or other payment processing method). Simply entering a defined sponsorship as "received" doesn't charge the donor's card. The wording in the sponsorship entry screen does not make this clear and this can cause organizations to lose money because they are not collecting as many payments as they think. The language in the screen should be updated and could even have a link to the article above.

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  14. Allow users to designate family records for procuring or soliciting individual or family

    At our school, every family is encouraged to solicit donated items for our auction, and we track this information. Right now the only way to track which donations were solicited by individual families, is to enter each family as "event staff" and make them solicitors. This is cumbersome. RSA needs to be able to track soliciting family or individual right along with the donating individual/business, without adding every single family as event staff.

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  15. Offer a version of the Consolidated Donations by Donor (Prior Event) report from the current event

    Currently, the Consolidated Donations by Donor (Prior Event) report pulls data directly from the previous event. This is great, except if there are changes to a donor's contact information from the previous event (such as the contact individual/custom addressee from a business donor changed this year). If custom procurement letters are being created and then merged with this report, the contact information merged into the letters is out-of-date.

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