Show associated package(s) on the Donation Page - Better yet, include links to the package(s)
When viewing a donation record, it would be nice to be able to easily tell what package or packages a donation has been assigned to. Currently, if a donation has been mistakenly assigned to a package and there is no reference to it in the package name or description, there is no way to find what package the donation is assigned to without exporting the Package Status report to Excel and doing a "Find" from within the spreadsheet. You should be able to see what Package the Donation is assigned to from within the Donation Record.

Kiki Cooley Lund commented
It would also be nice to have an easier way to switch between packages whilst editing them. It's cumbersome to go back to the main list, search or scroll to find the item and then make the edits. Having a button to go to "Next Item" or a side bar of items to chose from would be nice.