Make it easier to navigate in Manage Donors or Manage Patrons
When in Manage Donations or Manage Bidders, when there are multiple pages, it is frustrating to be working on a donation on page 3, for example, then when I click on return to manage donations, I am returned all the way back to page 1, rather than the page I was working on. Also, when there are multiple pages, not all the page numbers are displayed in the selection section at the top. The display may show pages 1,2,3,4,5..........10,11,12. So if I want to go to page 6, I first have to go to page 5, then click forward to the next page. This ends up requiring multiple clicks to navigate within the section.

CWade commented
I agree! I'm wanting to go through the system to clean up our contacts and we have over 30 pages of patrons. It is taking me FOREVER to do this because it takes me back to the first page every time. It would be really helpful to go back to the same page I was working on or, better yet, have a "next patron" link that takes me to the next patrons screen without going back to the list.
Anonymous commented
I ditto Lorettas comment on always having to go back to the very first page instead of the previous page. Very time consuming on both Manage Donors and Manage Patrons tabs.
laurahovden commented
I agree, this is a major hassle when making lots of changes.