Allow the eCatalog package sort order to be customized
Currently, the eCatalog sorts packages alphabetically within a category. There should be an option to change the sort order, as there is with the printed catalog.
Anonymous commented
This would be really helpful. We would really like to showcase in a certain order and we had to do extra work to be able to do this.
Elisabeth Ward commented
Yes, please! This has been pending since 2017! It seems like it could be dynamic.
Barbara Darga commented
We would like to be able to sort by catalog number
bbak commented
I would prefer to sorting by Catalog # within the categories.
Anonymous commented
aadair commented
I agree! Our donors need to be able to sort the eCatalog by price from high to low or low to high.
Anonymous commented
If you add a numerical value to the title of the package, #1, #2... They will show in that order in the e-catalog. I just did this for our live auction packages.
Lily Taylor commented
Allow the online eCatolog packages sort order and item #'s to editable / reordered.
Eileen WIlliamson commented
Yes I think you should be able to do this
Anonymous commented
It is all the same name, it needs to be adjusted numerically
Sherry Graham commented
Not everyone wants to put their auction items in a category. It would be nice to have them display in the order for which they'll be auctioned off. Thank you.
laurahovden commented
The work arounds for this were tedious. It would have been nice to know this before setting up categories from the start.
Alison commented
I would like to be able to order my online catalog items like I can for my printed materials. Having everything in alphabetical order is not always the best option.