Allow admin to turn off leading bidder names in eCatalog
Some organizations may not want bidder names to show, it would be nice if there was an option to stop any bidder names from showing anywhere in the eCatalog, regardless of the type of package

Deanna Jones commented
Turning off the leading bidder name for ebidding is a critical request for enhancement! It is detrimental to the bidding. No one wants their name shown that they're leading. It prevents friends from wanting to outbid them.
Evan commented
Within the Control Center under Admin> Event Settings> Patron Accounts there is a section for Anonymous Bidding information with 3 options:
Anonymous Bidding is...
- Not Allowed
- Required for all bidders
- Optional (bidder's choice)The default for this setting is Optional so that the bidder can make that determination when registering as a bidder. Organizations do have the option though to make all bidding anonymous
so that no bidder name will appear for the Leading Bid in the eCatalog. -
E Leinbach commented
I know we will have people who will decided NOT to bid if their name shows up. Requiring a name for display is something that I have never seen before. And I wouldn't want my name up there, either.
ASchrock commented
Just had our first auction with RSA and many comments from bidders about not liking their name showing as the high bidder. We use the eBidding for silent auction items only and our donors are used to only a bidder # showing. We had less sales for our silent auction items then last year by about $10,000. Please make this optional or to show only bidder #.
Jennifer Arriola commented
Yes, please!