General Feedback
Help us to make ReadySetAuction even better! Please share your ideas and vote on others you like.
52 results found
Training Module to practice before an event without using real people or items!
It really isn't possible to practice check in/check out procedures without risking somebody's record or using real credit cards. A dummy module would allow for much more confidence on the night of the event!
13 votesYou can request a complimentary 15-day training database from ReadySetAuction via [email protected].
Allow credit card payments to be deleted from invoices within the database
Currently, if a patron purchases a ticket to the event via credit card, and then in turn is unable to make it, there is no way to delete the invoice/payment in RSA. The patron can be refunded in the gateway and their RSVP changed to "Not Attending", but this still affects the reporting of the event in RSA.
37 votesYou asked and we listened! Event staff administrators (and event staff members with the authorization code) can now delete credit card payments from invoices in ReadySetAuction.
extend the 28-day post-event wrap-up if the 2-week eCatalog extension is purchased.
If the two-week eCatalog extension is purchased, then the 28-day wrap-up period (prior to event lock) should be extended two weeks from the event date as well.
4 votesFor Complete package users, we now offer a 45-day post-event eCatalog period and an additional four week wrap-up period after that.
5 votes
Thank you for your feedback! Complete plan event staff administrators can now enable outbid notifications via text message at their convenience under Event Settings.
add SSL security to all areas of the RSA site, not just areas where payment information is entered/stored.
SSL security should be applied to the ReadySetAuction event staff website and Event Website as a whole - not just in areas where credit card/merchant information is entered/stored.
6 votes -
Allow the eCatalog Bidding Window to be globally updated for all packages
Currently, changing the eCatalog Bidding Window under "Defaults" will only affect packages going forward; it will not make any retroactive changes to existing packages. There should either be an option for this Default to make retroactive changes, or there should be a global update option on the Packages screen for updates to the eCatalog bidding window.
1 voteAlready Exists: The eCatalog Window can be updated in bulk via the “Actions on Selected Packages” drop-down menu.
Merge Duplicate Patron Accounts
Now that patron email address is optional (see:, it is possible to more easily create duplicate patron accounts. When this happens, it would be nice to have an easy method to merge the duplicates together into a single patron record.
9 votes -
Outbid Notifications via Text Message
Text messages can be more immediate and noticeable than emails, and they can be received by virtually all phones. Allow guests the option to receive outbid alerts via text message instead of (or in addition to) email alerts.
7 votes -
Check-in Guests with Bidder Number
When checking in guests to add credit cards, it would be a great tool to use their bidder numbers instead of typing in names. Since couples are already linked through bidder number it would then pull up both bidders right away (or so it would seem.) We know that this feature would greatly speed up our check-in process since our packets already contact bidder numbers on the packet label.
1 vote -
Text the Link to Bidder Registration
Provide the option to text the bidding link to their cell phone instead of emailing it. Some people did not receive the emails quickly and we lost bidding time. Others had registered with an email address they could not access on their phones. This would solve both problems.
6 votes -
Allow Couple to Check in Together
Allow a couple to check in together, rather than requiring each to go through the check-in process separately. This will speed up the check-in process and provide a better guest experience.
33 votes -
Require Anonymous Bidding for All Bidders
Currently, it is the bidder's choice whether to eBid anonymously. This option would allow the auction staff to require all eBidders to bid anonymously.
1 vote -
Increase Character Limit for Event Site Welcome Message
Add more characters for the welcome message so that there isn't a limitation on how many linked sponsor images you can add.
1 vote -
Sort "All Invoices" by Bidder Number Instead of Table Number
We love this program! The only suggestion is that near the end of the night, we need to batch-print all of the invoices, and then have them ready to hand out to the guests. When you select to print "all invoices", it organizes them by table number, and then we wind up having to re-sort by bidder number. This takes too long when we have 260 guests trying to check out at once, and it is helpful for them to just have to say their bidder number to us (many of them don't remember their table number; in addition, everything…
4 votes -
Delete Purchase Even if Payment Recorded
I inadvertently recorded one of our patrons as having paid for their tickets twice. In doing so, they appear to have purchased four tickets, only two of which have RSVP'd. There is no way to delete/correct this issue. I will have to hand-correct their invoice on the night of the auction, and my seat-count/ticket purchases will be inaccurate.
34 votes -
Business Names Only When Adding Donors
When adding patrons, it would be great if first and last names were not required for businesses. It should be optional, as I do not always have a personal contact at each business.
22 votes -
Add a field for Sponsorship Attribution
When donors purchase sponsorships on the website there should to be a field for Sponsorship Attribution. It's a huge amount of work to go back and ask sponsors individually whether they prefer to be anonymous, or it's attributed to a business name, or "The X Family."
3 votesThe event website donation page has a section for Donor Acknowledgement, which includes a field for name as it appears in Event Catalog and anonymous.
Enter a tab on @ event for easy package sale price and winner lookup
There should be a tab on the right at @event where you can quickly look up a package #"s sale price and winner name. I know this function can be obtained in other places, but it is buried! We need quick answers at the auction event.
1 vote -
Search for Uncategorized Packages
In the manage packages screen we can search for packages in a certain category. It would be nice to be able to search for any packages that are not yet categorized.
2 votes -
Additional Showcase Options
When configuring the settings for the ShowCase, it would be nice to toggle on/off whether the Goal & Raised Amount is included in the slides. Additionally, it might be nice to have a blanket on/off toggle for the Packaged items and the Sponsors too. For example, you may only want Sponsors displayed at the beginning of the auction event, then later turn on the Auction Items.
2 votes
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