How To Delete a Ticket or Item/Package From An Invoice
As long as a ticket, fixed-price package, monetary pledge, or biddable package has not been paid for, it can be removed from a bidder’s invoice.
If an item has been paid for, you must first delete the payment before you can remove it from the invoice.
NOTE: In order to remove a biddable package from an invoice that was won during the traditional auction or eBidding, you must be the Administrator or have been given an authorization code from the Administrator. Any registered staff member can remove tickets, fixed-price purchases and monetary pledges from an invoice.
To remove a ticket from an invoice:
- Go to [Reports > Activity Reports > RSVP Party Assignment by Party] report.
- Check to see if there are any guests RSVP’d to the ticket party.
- If there are no guests in the ticket party, skip to Step #13 below.
- If the ticket party is not full, skip to Step #9 below.
- If the ticket party is full, go to [Patrons > Bidders > Manage Bidder].
- Click on the name of any bidder who is part of the ticket party.
- Click on the bidder's RSVP tab.
- Choose 'None' for Party and then click the 'Update Bidder RSVP' button.
- Go to [Patrons > RSVPs > Choose RSVP Kind: No].
- Select the ticket party from the 'Choose Party' and click the 'Next: Record RSVPs' button.
- Remove all guests from this ticket party by clicking the red 'Remove' buttons.
- Click the 'Save Changes' Button.
- Go to [@Event > Check Out Bidders].
- Look for the bidder in the 'Select a Bidder' menu. If you see the bidder, skip to Step #19 below.
- A bidder with no balance due will not appear in the "Select a Bidder" menu. This could occur if the only thing sold to this bidder was a complimentary ticket. In this case, go to [@Event > Record Sales > Monetary Pledges].
- Select the bidder from the 'Select a Bidder' menu.
- Record a $1 pledge for the bidder and confirm the pledge on the next page. This will create an invoice for the bidder.
- Go to [@Event > Check Out Bidders].
- Select the bidder from the 'Select a Bidder' menu and click the 'Next' button.
- Remove the ticket(s) from the invoice using the 'Remove Item' buttons.
- If you added a temporary $1 pledge in Step #17 above, remove that as well.
To remove an item/package from an invoice:
- Go to [@Event > Check Out Bidders].
- Select the bidder from the 'Select a Bidder' menu and click the 'Next' button.
- Remove the item(s) from the invoice using the 'Remove Item' buttons.
IMPORTANT: When you remove an eBidding package from the winner's invoice, the package will appear on the invoice of the next highest eBidder.