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Package Import Guidelines

For quick entry, you may import your package information into ReadySetAuction using the import tool on the Items > Packages > Import page of your Control Center.

Click here to download a package import template.

Below is a list of the fields that may be imported for packages.

Important Hints and Instructions: (please read before proceeding)

  • The data you provide must be in comma-separated value (.CSV) format. You can produce files in this format using almost any spreadsheet program.
  • Your import data must conform to the specifications listed below. If any field in a record does not conform, that record will not be imported.
  • Do not leave any empty rows in your spreadsheet or .CSV file. Doing so will lead to a post-import error message indicating that there was a problem importing a record.
  • The Package Name field is required. If the information you provide in this field exceeds its maximum length, the system will truncate the information and append an ellipses (…).
  • Fields marked “Optional” may be left blank.
  • Prior to importing packages, set your Time Zone (Admin > Auction Settings). The Open Time and Close Time fields for imported packages will use the time zone setting that exists at the time of the import.
  • Remove special characters from the Package Name and Description fields. Special characters include copyright symbols (©) and elipses (…). If a Package Name or Description includes special symbols, the record will not be imported.
  • The Inventory Tag field is for your internal tracking purposes only. It will not appear to your online bidders. If you want your bidders to be able to search by catalog numbers, include the numbers in the Catalog # field import.
  • For Buyable Pakages that are a fixed price, use the Price (Min) field only.
  • For Buyable Packages that are a range price, use both the Price (Min) and Price (Max) fields, with the Price (Min) < Price (Max).
  • Prior to importing a file that was generated from an export of the ReadySetAuction All Packages report (Reports > Data Exchange Reports), be sure to update the data in the Package Status, Open Date, and Close Date columns.


  1. Inventory Tag: (optional, must be unique to each package, printable characters, max length = 16)
  2. Catalog #: (optional, must be unique to each package, maximum of digits = 6)
  3. Package Name: (required, must be unique to each package, printable characters, max length = 60)
  4. Description: (optional, printable characters, max length = 1024)
  5. Custom Donor Name: (optional, printable characters, max length = 60)
  6. Package Kind: (optional, single digit based on key below)
    • 1: Raffle
    • 2: Buyable
    • 4: Biddable (default)
  7. Package Status: (optional, single digit based on key below)
    • 0: Draft
    • 1: Open (default)
  8. Fair Market Value: (optional, digits only, maximum value 99999.99)
  9. Displayed Value: (optional, single digit based on key below)
    • 0: None
    • 1: Fair Market Value as defined above (default)
    • 2: Priceless
    • 3: Custom
  10. Custom Value: (required if Displayed Value = 3 [custom], printable characters, max length = 32)
  11. Quantity: (required if Package Kind = 2 [buyable]. Cannot be larger than 9,999)
  12. Price (Min): (required if Package Kind = 2 [buyable] or 1 [raffle]. If Package Kind = 1 [raffle], then Price = the raffle ticket price for this package.)
  13. Price (Max): (required if Package Kind = 2 [buyable] or 1 [raffle]. If Package Kind = 1 [raffle], then Price = the raffle ticket price for this package.)
  14. Bidding Style: (required if Package Kind = 4 [biddable], single digit based on key below)
    • 1: eBidding
    • 2: ePrebidding
    • 3: Traditional
  15. Show in eCatalog (optional, single digit based on key below. Cannot be 0 [No] if Bidding Style is 1 [eBidding] or 2 [ePrebidding])
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes (default)
  16. Show in Paper Catalog (optional, single digit based on key below)
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes (default)
  17. Show in Showcase (optional, single digit based on key below)
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes (default)
  18. Sell in eCatalog (optional, single digit based on key below)
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes (default)
  19. Generate Display Sheet (optional, single digit based on key below)
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes (default)
  20. Starting Bid: (required if Package Kind = 4 [biddable]. Must be between 1 and 99,999.99)
  21. Minimum Raise: (required if Package Kind = 4 [biddable]. Must be between 1 and 99,999.99)
  22. Win-It-Now price: (optional if Package Kind = 4 [biddable]. Must be between 1 and 99,999.99. Must be higher than Starting Bid)
  23. Overtime Bidding: (optional, single digit based on key below)
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes
  24. Open Date: (YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY, optional if Package Kind = 2 or 4 [buyable or biddable]); defaults to opening as soon as possible.
  25. Open Time: (HH:MM Military Time, optional if Package Kind = 2 or 4 [buyable or biddable]); defaults to opening as soon as possible.
  26. Close Date: (YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY, optional if Package Kind = 2 or 4 [buyable or biddable]); defaults to end of eCatalog Access Period.
  27. Close Time: (Military Time, HH:MM, optional if Package Kind = 2 or 4 [buyable or biddable]); defaults to end of eCatalog Access Period.

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