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Resolving Matching Conflicts During an Item Download

When supporters make a donation to your auction event through your ReadySetAuction (RSA) website, you will receive a notification in your RSA inbox. To add this information to RSA, you can download information. While downloading, RSA will look for existing matching donors to download the gift information to. If no match is found, RSA will create a new donor record with the gift information. It will look for matching records based on email or phone number. 

If RSA matches based on email or phone number, but other fields of data in the donor record are different from the data provided on the web form you will be asked to resolve the conflict by selecting the information you would like to keep. You can choose to retain the information provided by the donor on the form, or you can choose to keep the original data that is already saved in RSA. 

To save the information provided by the donor through the website, click Add Web Donor, Removing Conflicts

To save the information already in RSA, click Use Found Patron Match

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